Siu's Hatena Blog: Here for One More While =)

Your belief in me to fly is the pair of wings that take me up high.

Entries from 2022-05-01 to 1 month

Mental status self-observation

I think it is unwise to assume there will be no effect to one's mental status under various involuntary social activities restrictions. While it is a bad idea to pursuade someone being not too bad by comparing them to the worse individuals…



Work-life balance與自我獎酬

作為典型的打工一族,朋友間的閒聊話題自然離不開工作上的牢騷,加上香港工作環境素來壓力大、工時長,工作與生活平衡 (work-life balance) 成為了見面時的當然議題。 說到work-life balance,它一方面是時間管理,是硬綁綁的──公司的工時是多少,有多少工作…