Siu's Hatena Blog: Here for One More While =)

Your belief in me to fly is the pair of wings that take me up high.


Your Birthdate: March 11
Spiritual and thoughtful, you tend to take a step back from the world.
You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain calm.
Although you are brilliant, it may take you a while to find your niche.
Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done.

Your strength: Your inner peace(按: 即是裏Michael)

Your weakness: You get stuck in the clouds

Your power color: Emerald

Your power symbol: Leaf(按: 我家窗前正好有棵樹)

Your power month: November


大部份真的很準, 跟出自我口相差無幾。



下學期再次遇上不夠時間教書的情況。中文、中史、化學, 數學多線需要提速, 必要時S線、P線(特別線)將出動, 最壞的打算是需要自行加開R線(假日線)。



現在回想UT時, 才發現自己好像還有個第三身......他是裏Michael的相反, 是另一極端。他優柔寡斷, 緊張關頭總在胡思亂想, 令我判斷力下降。希望他不是真的存在(以精神體方式), 只是我本身一時出錯。



用「一撻即著, 再撻再著」來形容我與單車的關係是最貼切的了, 自從4月4日重拾「座駕」上的感覺後, 便一直等著下一次。那次的經驗實在太棒了, 全程任飛, 天氣又好(陰天, 寒冷)。可能因為如此, 令我感到5月1日的一次踩單車活動很失敗。先被租車店獅子開大口; 出發後沿途又多車, 而且不少還是家庭車, 阻擋去路, 超車都超死人(別以為超車容易, 過程是要瞻前顧後的)。加上陽光充沛, 被曬成紅燒乳豬。

誰知, 5月7日去的一批人更糟糕, 因為M Cheung引發了一次災害性的淆底潮, 結果不成行了......

所以我決定, 我會主辦下次的單車活動, 我要確保活動有嚴密的組織, 周詳的計劃, 避免一班內有兩批人互相搶客, 而且保證主辦及協辦單位必定出席, 起碼讓活動成行!


The Surprise!

How can you describe the moment when you know you are able to contact your old friend, a really really old and good friend,  again who was immigrated to America and you think you will never seen her or contact with her? The answer is definitely "The Surprise"!!!