Siu's Hatena Blog: Here for One More While =)

Your belief in me to fly is the pair of wings that take me up high.

今日聽乜歌:Kavinsky - Nightcall

when it's 3am but i'm giving you a nightcall to tell you how i feel




Kavinsky - Nightcall (Official Audio - HD)



I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel

I want to drive you through the night, down the hills

I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear

(我要告訴妳一些妳不想聽的事) *昨天剛說了這些不想聽的事
I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear


There's something inside you (你深處有些事)
It's hard to explain (難以解答)
They're talking about you boy (男孩,他們在談論你)
But you're still the same (但你依然故我)

以上是我加入了主觀想法的翻譯。但我覺得我譯副歌兩句"There's something inside you. It's hard to explain"譯得並不好,因為這兩句其實很含蓄,想像的空間有很多,一切都視乎自己代入的意境。全歌沒有任何露骨的字或暗示,但很性感。又或者不,與其說是性感,倒不如說是感性,好像有人撫摸到了情緒般。的確,要撥一通深宵的電話給人,講一些人家不想聽的事,本來就是充滿感性的舉動。而不想聽的事是甚麼,前後兩句便以半夜兜風的景色隱晦表達了出來:"down the hills"並不只是下坡道,"where it's dark"並不只是夜裏沒光的地方。